The bridges of Villeneuve sur Lot

More practice with Litchi !

Villeneuve sur Lot has some stunning architecture and I’d been thinking of trying to capture images of the bridges in the town centre for a while.

As I wanted smooth camera angles, Litchi Waypoints were an obvious choice. But I thought flying under the arches was too risky to be attempted by a pre-saved mission. What if the river level was higher than I planned or if there were boats on the water ? In order to play safe, I recorded a few waypoints by slowly flying the Phantom 4 and then captured the video footage while replaying the mission.

I’ve also started experimenting with filters, using thin gel filters from PhantomFilters. I orders the filters a few days ago, expecting a delivery from the US at this time of year to take forever. But to my amazement, the parcel only arrived after a few days.

Here in Villeneuve, I only tried the ND2 filter because the light at 4.30pm was quite soft. But I’ll try to experiment with the stronger ND8 and ND16 in the coming days.